Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Auction Enthusiasm

This week our Auction Committee, made up primarily of parent volunteers and headed by Special Events Coordinator Jennifer Eddins, met for the first time to discuss plans for the 2008 auction to be held March 1st. Discussion was enthusiastic and the time incredibly productive! I was overwhelmed by how blessed Unity Christian is to have such supportive and involved parents. Without a doubt, we would not be able to coordinate such quality events for our student body as well as the community if it were not for the unwavering dedication of our parents! God used the fellowship and cooperation that I witnessed in that meeting to impress on me even more powerfully the true meaning of our mission to "partner with Christian parents committed to Christ-centered, biblically-based education".

Kingdom education employs the illustration of a 3 legged stool to explain the interdependence of the home, church, and school in the education of His children. This is an effective metaphor because without one, the other two cannot function properly. At Unity Christian, parents are urged to actively take part in the educational experience of their children and what an invaluable strength they bring to the atmosphere and success of the school! I am so anxious to see what plans God has for the auction this year because of the contagious optimism and helpfulness of the parents I saw at our meeting. Parents jump in to help with class projects, schoolwide events, general facility needs, and special programming. This is what sets us apart: we exist not to replace but to reinforce the parent and his biblical teachings and values.

Page Thomas
Communications Coordinator

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